Saturday, December 19, 2009
Al Gore Reads "Apocalypse" Poem
One thin September soon
A floating continent disappears
In midnight sun
Vapors rise as
Fever settles on an acid sea
Neptune's bones dissolve
Snow glides from the mountain
Ice fathers floods for a season
A hard rain comes quickly
Then dirt is parched
Kindling is placed in the forest
For the lightning's celebration
Unknown creatures
Take their leave, unmourned
Horsemen ready their stirrups
Passion seeks heroes and friends
The bell of the city
On the hill is rung
The shepherd cries
The hour of choosing has arrived
Here are your tools
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Top Ten Contest
Top Ten Things Overheard During President Obama's Trip to Russia
"I just flew in from Washington and boy are my ears tired" Dave M, Fargo, ND
"What happened to the guy who can't say 'nuclear'?" Ernie D, Mississauga, ON
"Did you see the new episode of 'Miami Vice'?" Michael R, Dubai, UAE
"The last guy from the US used to drink all our vodka" Bill B, Springfield, MO
"I loved you in 'Hancock,' Mr. President" Marc M, Brooklyn, NY
"Do they sell Marlboros here?" Cameron H, Deltona, FL
"Mr. Obama, tear down this teleprompter!" Garrett H, Spokane, WA
"Hey Michelle, do we have any more iPods?" Randall W, Anniston, AL
"We'll cut back our nukes but you have to take Rush Limbaugh" Linda F, Shady Side, MD
"Let's get a coffee from Tsarbucks" Mike J, Brampton
Here's the link:
This is my fourth time making the list...looks like I've got another "Late Show" mousepad coming my way. I enjoyed the prizes much more when the Late Show was actually funny, but one can always use a new mousepad, right?
Monday, May 18, 2009
Walking Out on Graduation...
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Response to Michael Moore
"Mr. Moore,
"He has the massive will of the American people behind him -- and he has been granted permission by us to do what he sees fit."
Who gave him this permission? The 66 million people who voted for him? What about the 62 million people who voted for Bush in 2004? To do what he sees fit? So, now we are supposed to accept the President's judgement? Does it have to do with approval ratings? Did you say similar things when Bush had an approval rating between 80 and 90 percent?
See, my problem is not necessarily what you say, because I can accept your premises, and appreciate them, and then shave off all of the excess BS. You are who you are and you serve an important purpose in our society, even though I disagree with many of your contentions and the ridiculous and intellectually dishonest way you shout those contentions without making obvious concessions.
My problem is that you are clearly not a man of principle. You want it one way for the things and people you like, and a different way for the things and people you don't like. You whined for years about the way that Bush did what he saw fit. I guess the real problem is that he didn't do as you saw fit. So, is that how it is? When a President agrees with you, he can have almost unlimited - even superhero - powers, but when he disagrees he should be impeached?
As always, you are a giant contradiction.
Garrett Hall
PS. It is not a valid response to bash Bush. We've heard it. Notice that I am not defending Bush or bashing Obama. I'm simply talking about your hypocrisy and lack of principle."
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Obama Cartoon